Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Oatmeal for Breakfast

I thought this would be a fun story to tell.

All my life, oatmeal has absolutely repulsed me. When I was younger, my mom would let me dye it a color with food coloring just to get me to eat it. Finally, when I was old enough to make my own breakfast, I declared I was not going to eat another bowl of oatmeal ever again. Until today. I had oatmeal for breakfast. I ate the whole bowl and I was thinking of making myself a second one. Its pretty tasty actually. I think maybe my tastebuds have changed since I was a kid. Or maybe its that I wasn't forced to eat it. I don't know. But now I'm sort of wondering what other things I "don't" like that I may actually like.

Maybe I should try mushrooms again.

No. They still creep me out.

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