Monday, September 15, 2008

Funny Ol' World

Well, I'm trying to finish packing for college, so I've not been doing much else. Just wanted to share a quick story with all my reader (not a type-o).

God has a way of working things out. I was in desperate need of a new pair of running shoes and a little extra cash. I was putting those things off until after I started school because I wasn't planning on working. I ended up working just a little bit over the past 2 weeks (+$100). I was also working in my neighbors yard, which I was just doing because she has been really busy and her yard needed taken care of. I wasn't going to charge her for any of the work I had done. Well, tonight she took me out and bought me a new pair of running shoes and slipped $100 cash into the box for "all the work you've done". Funny how it ended up working out that I'm now headed off to college with my much needed pair of shoes and $200 cash. :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Easy Come, Easy Go

On my layover in Denver I checked my messages and I got a call from my boss (the mom of the 2 boys I've been watching) who must've missed out when I said I really wanted to take the last two weeks of summer. I called her back Sunday. She wanted me to work for a couple days a week for the next two weeks and I figured I might as well since I am now a college student and I will undoubtedly be able to use every penny I make. I was actually happy because I could use the extra money for something fun. Or so I thought.

When I got home this week, my car was making a funny sound when I turned to the left, so I decided to take it in and just get a tuneup. I figured that it was probably the power steering fluid, so maybe a $40 repair. No such luck. My car needed a few "minor" tuneups, which ended up costing me a meger $240!! Needless to say, I was not very happy about that. The car does run much better.

In related news: I have begun to purchase books for my very first semester of COLLEGE. So far, I have spent $200 on books and I have two more classes to buy for. At least if I keep the books nice, I may be able to sell them and make a little money back.

So basically, in the past week, I have spent $440. This is very VERY sad for me. Oh well, thats life I guess.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Oatmeal for Breakfast

I thought this would be a fun story to tell.

All my life, oatmeal has absolutely repulsed me. When I was younger, my mom would let me dye it a color with food coloring just to get me to eat it. Finally, when I was old enough to make my own breakfast, I declared I was not going to eat another bowl of oatmeal ever again. Until today. I had oatmeal for breakfast. I ate the whole bowl and I was thinking of making myself a second one. Its pretty tasty actually. I think maybe my tastebuds have changed since I was a kid. Or maybe its that I wasn't forced to eat it. I don't know. But now I'm sort of wondering what other things I "don't" like that I may actually like.

Maybe I should try mushrooms again.

No. They still creep me out.

Monday, September 1, 2008

I'm moving to Texas!

Next year. At least, I want to. I probably won't be able to actually live in Austin, just because I am not actually a resident of Texas, so community college there is 28,000 not including room or board. There is an Adventist school in Keene, which is about 3 hours away, and I'm going to apply there. I just loved every part of Texas and I really want to live there.