Thursday, July 31, 2008

July 31

Well, compared to how the rest of the week has gone, today was just AWESOME. The boys were both awake and already watching Snow White when I got there. After the movie I whipped up some pancakes and scrambled eggs. They ate with little fuss which was a nice surprise. After that we wrestled and read books until about 10:15, which was when the baby started to get pretty tired. Generally, Victor goes down between 10:00 and 10:30, so we went into the bedroom and laid down. He was super fussy and I wasn't sure he would go to sleep. I just laid next to him, closed my eyes and waited. After I had hummed "Hushabye Mountain" 6 times, I checked on him and he was fast asleep. Stefen had a cheesestick snack and read a few books with me. Then it was time to pack up a bag and get our swimsuits on to go to swim lessons. Victor was still sleeping at 11:15 and so I had to wake him up so he could go swimming at 11:30, but he only cried for a minute and then sat contentedly in his carseat with a bottle the whole drive to swim lessons. Swim lessons were fun. I got in with them and we really enjoyed ourselves. Stefen wasn't too happy about going home, but after a few minutes, he got over his bad mood and was back to being pretty happy. For lunch we had carrot sticks, banana, turkey, fruit snacks, and organic cheetos. Oh! And fresh grown watermelon, which was delicious. After lunch I did the dishes and the kids played with their toys. By this point, it was 1:25 and the kids were both really tired, so I put on a show for them. I hate plunking them in front of movies, but they were totally exhausted. Their mom came home at 1:50 and I went home pretty shortly after.

At 2:30 I went and had my hair done and my eyebrows waxed. It was beyond the time I needed to get done.

For the rest of the day I've been pretty lazy, I'll probably hit the gym after supper.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

July 30

Today was a sun up to sun down move day.

Worked my typical 8-2:15 job with the boys. They were great until I tried to serve them something they didn't like and both threw fits about it. It was spinach and beef ravioli, they normally like it, but we were trying a new brand. We ended up eating something else after I had tasted it and (shockingly) agreed with them that they were not very good. (I don't eat ravioli very often, they are too high calorie and fattening). After that we walked around the block 4, yes 4, times to try and get the baby to sleep. Thankfully on our last lap, both boys fell asleep in the stroller.

Their mom got home and I ran out the door to the dentist. That was not terribly thrilling so I won't talk about it.

After the dentist, Baby Jackie (11.5 months) came to my house for the evening. She is such an angel. She was smiles all evening, down to 8:45 when her mom came to get her. We went out to dinner this evening and she didn't even fuss too much when she got tired.

Hit the gym from 9 to 10, and then got online to blog.

Shockingly, I'm not even that tired.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 29

Got to work at 8:15 this morning. The house was a mess, there were dishes and laundry that never got finished. I had left the house clean yesterday. Their mom asked me to go to the grocery store today and so I had to run home (2 houses down) with the boys to get my keys. Stefen started to have a meltdown and started screaming and grabbed me by the shoulders and tried to shake me. It was scary. My mom and dad took him while I went to get the carseats ready. We did better after that. Victor fell asleep about 10:30 and napped for maybe 40-45 minutes. He's teething and so he doesn't nap very well. After the nap we had some play time and lunch. Then we were going to go to the park, but it was super smokey so we stayed inside. Stefen told me that I could never leave his house. He said I loved him too much. It was pretty cute.

Well, now its 3:23 and I am gonna nap. I didn't sleep very well on "vacation". Afterwards, I'll probably run some errands for my own family and eat dinner. Do a workout. The norm.

Monday, July 28, 2008


I have 2 weeks and 4 days left of nannying for the family that I currently work for. I have to say that I think themom and I would have a lot of work to do if I was sticking around.

The 3-year-old, Stefen, has been having a really rough time lately. He knows that when I show up, his mom leaves. He hits me, pinches me, and has colassal meltdowns almost every day. I love him, I've been his nanny for almost 2 years now, but it is very challenging to deal with his behavior. It wears on me, especially because his little brother is beginning to follow in his footsteps. Their mom knows what happens, but to be honest, there isn't a lot she can do.

I love the boys though. So much. I will do my best to have fun with them and help Stefen and Victor through this.