Saturday, August 30, 2008

Last 2 Days of Texas Trip

Yesterday (Friday) was my last day in Texas. It was just Rachelle and myself taking care of the babies.

We tried on two different occassions to get a picture of me with all the babies. I wish I had set up my Flip so people could see all the effort poor Rachelle and Virginia went to to get a decent picture. I haven't seen the pictures yet but I'm sure at least one of them came out cute.

At lunch time Rachelle and I loaded up all the babies and went to Chik-fil-A. It was pretty tasty, but I'm not going to talk about the food. I don't know how Rachelle loads up all the babies by herself because it took the 2 of us quite a few trips in and out of the house to get 5 babies in and out of the carseats.

After the babies woke up we went over to Virginias house for fajitas (which were also really good! I would get fat living there). The babies crawled/walked all over the place, Riley and Kaiya entertained themselves, and we mostly just sat and watched them. Virginia loves to help people, but she doesn't really accept help very much.

After dinner was completed, Rachelle was going to go to a parenting class so that left Jayson, Virginia, and myself to put the kids to bed. All of the kids needed diaper changes when we got home (not suprising) So Jayson changed Ryder and unloaded things out of the car while I changed Rustin, Kassidy, Kyndall and Kaydence. While we were doing that, Virginia was trying to pull 5 clean sets of pajamas out of the laundry basket. Kaydence was "helping" her by throwing every piece of laundry she could get her hands on and Kassidy was pulling all the "nuggies" (silky blankets) out and running away with them. Virginia, Jayson and I got them all dressed in their pajamas and down for bed. The front room was a little messy and the kids' pajamas didn't necissarily match, but they were all clean and sleeping by the time Rachelle got home.

Rachelle dropped by after her meeting to say goodbye and ended up staying at Virginias til almost 11. It was really lousy having to say goodbye because we were just starting to get to know eachother and then I had to leave. I wish the trip never had to end.

I woke up at 5:15 so I could get to the airport and catch my plane. I was hoping they would bump me so I could stay another day, but no such luck. The flights were really quite dull. I was stuck in Denver for 2 hours but I survived it.

I ended up getting home about 3:00 cali time, and my family met me at the airport. I told them I'm moving to Texas. They laughed. But I am. The people are nice, housing is cheap, and I think its just all around better.

I'm going to bed. Its 11:37 PM Cali time and since I got up at 3:15 AM Cali time and didn't really nap, I'd say I'm about done for the day.


Rachelle said...

I loved reading your blog about your trip! It is fun to hear about my life from someone elses perspective. I had already forgotten a lot of the details---like Kaiya sniffing the pepper. Too funny!

Sheryl said...

Yes, Texas is nice. Austin specifically. I've lived in Austin all my life and have tried to live in other places around the state and I always end up back in Austin.