Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 29

Got to work at 8:15 this morning. The house was a mess, there were dishes and laundry that never got finished. I had left the house clean yesterday. Their mom asked me to go to the grocery store today and so I had to run home (2 houses down) with the boys to get my keys. Stefen started to have a meltdown and started screaming and grabbed me by the shoulders and tried to shake me. It was scary. My mom and dad took him while I went to get the carseats ready. We did better after that. Victor fell asleep about 10:30 and napped for maybe 40-45 minutes. He's teething and so he doesn't nap very well. After the nap we had some play time and lunch. Then we were going to go to the park, but it was super smokey so we stayed inside. Stefen told me that I could never leave his house. He said I loved him too much. It was pretty cute.

Well, now its 3:23 and I am gonna nap. I didn't sleep very well on "vacation". Afterwards, I'll probably run some errands for my own family and eat dinner. Do a workout. The norm.

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